Swimming Details

Room 5 begins swimming tomorrow, Sept. 24 and continues Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and Monday-Wednesday of next week.

Here are some things to remember:

- Students need to bring their swimming suit and towel in a waterproof bag. If your child chooses to wear their suit under their clothes in the morning, remind them to bring a change of underwear. :)  Students may bring small goggles, if they have them.
- Jewelry is not permitted in the pool. Long hair should be tied back or put in a cap.
- We leave the school ~9:20 for our 10:00 lesson. The lesson ends at 10:40, so we should be back at the school around 11:00.
- Thank-you to everyone who is volunteering for swimming! If you have not yet paid for your swimming please submit it online or send in cash or a cheque. Please be at the school a few minutes before 9:20. When we arrive at the pool, you can assist the students in the change room, and then sit in one of the observation areas until the students head back to the change rooms.
- There is the chance of snow this week! Students should bring appropriate clothes to walk to the pool and have a hat to cover wet hair on the way back.

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